It is no longer a question of should you do a needs assessment, but now about doing one which will help you add measurable value, This short presentation will provide essential concepts, tools, and justifications of doing needs assessments that actually get worthy results.

Roger Kaufman, PhD, CPT is professor emeritus, Florida State University, and has served as Distinguished Research Professor at the Sonora Institute of Technology (Mexico). He received ATD’s Distinguished Contribution to Workplace Learning and Performance award. Also, he is a founding member, past president, honorary member for life, and Thomas Gilbert Award winner, all with the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI). Kaufman has published 41 books and over 300 articles on strategic planning, performance improvement, quality management and continual improvement, needs assessment, management, and evaluation. He consults world-wide with public, private and NGO organizations, the most recent of which include the President and Minister of Tourism of Panama, the University of Puerto Rico, the Civil Service Commissions of Taiwan, and the Korean Government. At Florida State, he created the Center for Needs Assessment and Planning that did applied research and development. The literature often sites him as “the father of needs assessment. “He is a member of the Industrial Advisory Council for Medgar Evers’s School of business as well as the advisory board of the Center for Measuring University performance. ISPI has created the Roger Kaufman Award for Societal Impact. that recognizes the continuous achievement of measurable positive societal impact by an individual or organization." He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association as well as of the American Educational Research Association.
Email: or and phone number is 850-386-6621.
Free download of advance organizer:
Each week running up to the webinar, our chapter will be offering free topic-related articles donated by Dr. Kaufman as a value-added advance organizer, at no cost to you. This first offering is a great opportunity to get up to speed on the language and terminology used in this area of performance improvement. The second article speaks to the issue of 'how and where to start'.
Kaufman, R. (2018). A glossary of terms for mega thinking and planning. Performance Improvement, 57 (6), 57-65.
Kaufman, R. (2018). A hierarchy of planning: Where you start can make a difference. Performance Improvement, 57 (10), 37-40.
Kaufman, R. (2018. Current concepts and the tool of mega thinking and planning: An overview and summary. Performance Improvement, 57 (6), 9-14.